Batgirl at Superhero High by Lisa Yee is the third book in the Series. It follows Barbara Gordon as she tries to convince her father to let her to go to Superhero High following the events of the last book. It demonstrates how she goes about trying to convince her father to let her go to the school and what happens when he finally relents.
While I haven't read the first two books in this series it was not hard to get into it at all even though it jumped in at the ending of the second book. You can piece together what happened as the story goes on so you can understand the story. You also get to see the different antagonists throughout the book that the superheroes had to deal with such as Granny Goodness and The Calculator.
I loved the characters in the book and their quirkiness, like Harley's gymnastics and Supergirl's strength. All the characters have something unique about them and that helps bring the story alive. Even minor characters have their own thing about them.
Overall I really enjoyed this book. It was well written and had a good narrator, both which helped to make this an enjoyable read.
I received a free copy of this book for my honest opinion.